Monday 13 April 2015

21st APRIL: Threat to your websites!


When it comes to search on mobile devices, your users should get the most relevant and timely results. Google have announced that as of 21st April, they will be expanding their use of mobile-friendliness of your website as a ranking signal.

What does this mean?
That your customers will not be able to search you on GOOGLE if your website is not responsive.
Don't lose half your customers when Google changes it's algorithm on 21st April in favour of mobile-friendly sites.

Is YOUR WEBSITE is mobile-friendly, test by clicking on the link :


Mobile devices now account for over 50% of Internet use. If your website is not mobile friendly, over half the world's Internet users will not be able to find YOUR website as easily after 21st April. And over half the people who do visit your site will still not be able to view it properly either. 

Google is still all about delivering an unbeatable user experience, and mobile usage is only growing:
  • 1/3 of organic search is now happening on mobile devices.
  • 60% of internet traffic overall is happening on mobile devices.
  • 18% of Millennials—who will be taking over the workforce in the next decade—are “mobile only” users, which means they do not own or frequently use desktop computers for internet access.
Mobile-compatible websites have been a best-practice since mobile internet access over-took desktop internet access at the dawn of 2014, but a year later, Google is adapting to—and thus speeding up—the trend.
And it’s not just B2C. As mobile devices get smarter and Millennials move into more corner offices, the B2B marketplace will be routed if caught unprepared. In fact, mobile-friendliness is already a significant B2B marketing issue. Google’s own research found that:
  • 14% of C-Suites have completed a business purchase on a mobile device.
  • 90% of execs have used their smartphones to research a business purchase.
  • 34% of buyers did not complete a purchase because they ran into non-mobile-friendly interfaces. 
Find out from the following blogs which confirms the News :

It’s good to be kept informed, you can ask us any question on

Interview with Mr. Ajay Prakash, Founder & CEO of Nomad Travels speaks on Importance of having a responsive website & Digital Marketing

Q1 : Why did you decide to revamp you website into a responsive (mobile) website?
Website needs to be alive to what is the need and frankly i was bored of my our website and i needed to revamp it. And what is important is that a website has to be well thought of and you just make a website because you want to make a website, you need to make it because you have a reason because you have a product because you have a service which you will be able to offer to much wider client base by creating a website

Q2 : how do you think it is important to have a mobile enabled website in today's current senario and do you think that people are using their mobile to view website more then desktop?
Defenetly, i is just not website it the whole emphasis of commerce is actually is shifting on to the mobile platform and if it is website merely offering you information it might be accessed much on mobile but if it offering a specific service then the younger generation we definitely and totally glued in and checking constantly. So yes website which display well on the mobile is essential.

Q3 : Also can you tell us how important Social Media play an important role in your business. 
Social Media is important but you need to engaged in the right way and not getting on to Social Media if you cannot handle it correctly. The wrong kind of response will turn people off.Having said that i have used Facebook but have not used Twitter to the extent one could. But it is also amount time someone has to do this and FaceBook definitely generate leads and also let to some business done because we where theter

Q4 : What are the TIPS that you can give to listers to this Audio
Firstly you have to distinguish from what is available in the market place as there is an over load of information. So you need to structure your product or your service in order to differentiate it from what others are offering, so this is the first thing.
If everyone is selling a ceiling fans then if you are selling a ceiling fan then it has to be revolutionary or it has to be ridiculously cheap. So you need to differentiate yourself which is the one.

Secondly, you need to update your product or your service offerings. The frequency with which you update things and the relevance of what you are updating has a direct baring on how it is ranked in the search engines, how it is looked by prospective clients and 

Thirdly, is that you definitely need to use Social Media to the best ability that you have. It might not be your 100% but you need to be out there and you need be doing it intelligently.

Q5 : Can you tell us how Senseware has helped you achieve all these?
Senseware has been pretty responsive for what we have asked, whether it was in terms of tweaking the website or in terms of the social media campaigns.It is young set of people and a dedicated set of people. So talking to them, communicating to them and getting them to do things has been quite easy so i think working with Senseware has been pretty good for us.

Q6 : Would you recommend people to work with Senseware ?

Thank you for reading this Transcript interview 

To know more about Mr. Ajay Prakash's travel business visit

To know more about Senseware, visit

Monday 6 April 2015

Is the money you’re spending on SEO marketing for your business yielding dividends? Here’s how you can find out.

Once you’ve implemented and executed your SEO campaign it is positively essential to track your campaign and measure its progress. There are a number of ways to go about tracking your campaign.
Track your site’s search engine rankings.
Track the amount of traffic your site is receiving.
Track the number of returning visitors to your site.
Track the number of sales/conversions your site receives.
Track the link popularity of your site.
It is important to understand that ranking isn’t everything. The most important aspect is to understand the quantity of traffic brought to site is not as important as the quality. Ranking is completely meaningless unless the traffic they bring in through leads ultimately turns into sales.
Simply ask yourself in a given scenario what would you prefer 50 visitors on your website of which 30 make purchases off your products or services or a 250 visitors of which 15 make purchases?
Several variables should be examined on a regular basis in relation to metrics and conversion:
Pathway through your website.
Single access pages.
Most visited page and top entry pages.
Landing page for pay per click campaign.
Search phrases.
Search referrals.
There are many more such variables that may help you measure the progress of your SEO campaign. For a more detailed list of solutions please contact the experts.

Is your website invisible?

Brick and mortar companies don’t refuse to put a sign up in front of their businesses just because they have put large amounts of money into promoting themselves via television advertising. Online companies, likewise, should not disregard optimizing their sites for search engines – a relatively inexpensive exercise –simply because they have put large amounts of money into other marketing strategies.
                                                                                                          - Jordan, 2008

You can have the best website ever, with majority of its design and content in a league of its own. You can invest thousand’s or even lakh’s of rupees into the creation of your website. But if no one can find your site all the expenditure of your time and money would have been in vain. By ignoring SEO, you’re ignoring the most common way people search for things on the internet. A website with good search engine listings will gain more visibility. And more visibility eventually leads to healthier traffic which in turns leads to sales. People who get to your site via a search engine are by definition more qualified leads and will more likely purchase your products or services. There is a simple truth in this logic. If someone conducts a search for certain keywords and phrases directly related to your products or services, they will match with you and be far more open to your offering.
Here at Senseware we believe if you create a website you have to use SEO. You need to be positive that when your visitors enter a phrase or word to search for your website they shouldn’t land on the websites of your competitors.

The Big Three of SEO

The big three of in the search engine algorithm are keyword destiny, keyword prominence and link popularity. It is relevant when you seek to enhance your website, it is absolutely essential to understand what keywords and phrases your customers are most likely to use. The process of discovering these keywords and phrases is known as keyword research.
The success or failure of your search engine marketing begins and ends with keyword research.
It is not possible to accomplish your objectives in search engine optimization without good keyword research.  Many companies don’t give enough relevance to keyword research, which generally leads to wrong keyword marketing and wrong keyword generation will attract the wrong types of audience to your website. This is why it is of upmost importance that when you select keywords for your website, always select terms that best describe your product or service in the simplest way possible. This will guarantee that your website not only increases its influx but also attracts the right type of audience who are qualified and ready to purchase your product or service.
Here are some tips you can use while selecting your keywords.
Understand your target market.
Make a list of those marketers you are targeting.
Figure out what keywords and search phrases they would use while searching for the particular product or service.
Analyze your competitor’s website and figure out the keywords they use.
Use keyword research tools.
Build your list until you have twice as many keywords and search phrases you need.
Always refine your list keeping your audience in mind.
Identify different target words for different pages.
Be simple logical and straight forward you don’t want to confuse your targeted audience.

This is just a list a small “to do list” of things you should keep in mind before selecting your keywords. For a more detailed and professional solution contact the experts.

Are Other pages on your website as important as your Home page?

In the cases of most websites a posh Home page is followed by a less than impressive landing page.  Most companies build the Home page of their websites with clear identification of their sites key topics with a clear description on how to proceed further. Majority of sites primarily focus on their Home page. 

While this isn’t a bad approach to creating your site, it certainly isn’t the best.
What happens when your visitors don’t arrive directly on your Home page? It is simply too difficult to determine where they will land up on your site. Search engines, blogs and even other sites can easily link into your interior pages.
The idea of a Home page is nothing more but an artificial construct. A Home page is Front page equivalent of a book or a magazine. But unlike a book or magazine there is no guarantee that your visitors will directly arrive on your Home page.

The best way to address this issue is to design and write content for Every page on your website in the knowledge that it may be the First page people come across on your site.
In other words, always design every page on your site as if it’s your home page.

After the many years of practice and implementation on a great number of clients, we at Senseware have finally gained an expertise into the implementation of this theory.
 So pick up the phone call us and give us a few minutes of your time, so we can help you expand your business to never before seen heights.

Saturday 4 April 2015

Effective Web Design Formula

Creating a successful website starts with having an effective process. Here’s a brief look into the 3 components integrated into every website designed by us. 

 Design is the first aspect one should always consider when creating a website. Lately people have made a habit of looking up the internet for most of their needs.  There’s a brief pause when a potential customer visits your website, in those few seconds that consumer will decide whether he’ll hit ‘’back” or whether he’ll move forward and open a new tab on your site. If you’re hoping those consumers always opt for the latter. The key would lie in capturing the consumer’s attention in those brief seconds using the visual aspects of your website. That’s why here at Senseware we understand the importance of design in every website. A website’s design will make the site visitor decide whether to stay and take action or leave.

Usability is an most important aspect one should consider when creating a website. Once a consumer realizes the availability of a product or service on your site, the most crucial next step would be granting easy access to that product or service. People shouldn’t have to spend anything more than 10secs or 3 clicks, looking for what they already know is available on your website. Any website no matter how lavish must always possess a simple interface. At Senseware we believe that no matter whatever happens at the end of the day, the important thing is whether or not the sale has been made.

The internet is a vast pit of information. Thousands of people simply log on to explore different interrelated websites until they get a clear picture of what they’re looking for.  The important factor for you to consider is, when people arrive on your website, they all provided with all the data required to make a quick, clear and informed decision. When it comes to content our motto here at Senseware is “keep it short and sweet”.  When people think they’ve found what they’re looking for, the next 3 to 5 lines of data provided by the site will determine the  difference between making the sale or just moving on to the next site.

Design, Content and Usability, if anyone or two of the three aspects are the primary focus your business website then that website would slowly but surely be destined to fail. All of these 3 aspects are interrelated and can only together lead to the completion of your business objective. But when all is said and done, the main focus of every business is to fulfill their digital goal or business objective. Accomplishing your digital goal is the only obstacle that stands in the way your business, “towering above the rest” and “lying flat on its back”. So no matter what your business objective might be, Leads Generation, E-Commerece, Brand Building or all of them put together, accomplishing these essential fundamentals will inevitably lead to Profitability.

Is your website balancing Design, Content & Usability in equal ratios?
Is your website fulfilling your digital goal?
Would you like to understand our formula in depth?
Is your website laying flat on its back?
 Is your stagnant website running your business into the ground?
How we can help you help your website flourish?
Got anymore questions for us?
Are you losing clients and brand reputation?
Is your website eye catching?
Would you like Senseware to build you to the perfect website?
Endless Questions one Answer “Senseware.”

So don’t waste your time browsing through Google searching for answers,
Simply pick up your phone and give us a call or mail us at……….