Wednesday 6 January 2016

5 Steps to improve your ranking on Google

Have you been pondering on why your website is not getting enough traffic? Why don’t you have any impressions on your website? or Why is it not leading to any conversions? If this is troubling you than it has a simple answer to it that your website is not being shown on google search results on the first page or even within first five pages of Google search result.  
But, all it requires is some efforts to create back links and good relevant content to feed Google. This can be effectively done through SEO (Search Engine Optimization) along with Google Ad words to see instant results leading to some business.
Follow these simple steps to rank your website on first page of Google. Experience the Power of relevant search results through SEO.

Quality of the content
For google what stands of high value is originality and relevance. More accurate the content more the chances of Google to rank you faster and better.  Your website content should consist of those keywords on which you want to rank high when searched on Google or any search engine. Updated your content regularly to get noticed by Google easily.  Include primary keywords in the page title, heading and the URL.
SEO is all about the content and words, so having a better quality content would help in long term acknowledgment and would lead to better results of your efforts.

Selecting Keywords
Keyword selection should be based on the kind of website and its content. It should be properly related to the content present on the website. Selecting a keyword based on its relevance is more necessary than looking for its searches over Google monthly/weekly.
When starting new it is advisable that we select long tailed keywords as per the industry, geography and the target market. This would help you fetch results faster, leading to more lead generation, conversion and website traffic in a specific time. This will make it more specific and and accurate for your company, you will end up getting the most interested client/customers than the irrelevant or experimental inquires.

Use Social Media to its Optimum
Social media platforms are a great way to spread back links among a large number of viewers. Through sharing they will provide you a chance to drive huge traffic to your website, if they find your content relevant and interesting. This will lead your website to rank better with lesser efforts.  Google considers sites with good amount of traffic over those with lesser traffic or higher bounce rates.
So sharing your messages creatively with including links to your website, that viewers can share along will help you create a higher place and position on the search engines.

Optimize Your Pages
Once you have created a quality content and published it, it is important to tell Google about it so that it makes easy for the user to find. So for this you require to create meta titles and descriptions that consist of your primary keywords. It is also important to write short paragraphs for Google search returns that describe your content the best, including the keywords on which you apply SEO.

Creating a Responsive Site/Mobile Friendly
Slowly but steadily everything is moving to smartphones. Phones are taking over the market due to its convenience and feasibility. It becomes helpful for users to view content and link easily in mobile while travelling and working on different things. If your site is not mobile friendly you will probably lose half of your market audience. This will lead to decrease in website traffic thereby affecting on your Google ranking. Effective back links will be created the most through mobile audience, visiting through various social media platforms.

Now, that you know how important is SEO and how does it work, go start boosting your website giving it a leverage to get more visitors.

Contact us if you need any help in this regards or would like to know more. We would be glad to help you.